Take a photo tour of one of our locations to see what your visit with us will be like.
What should I wear?
We ask that you bring a comfortable 2-piece outfit to sleep in, such as pajamas or sweatpants (shorts) and a T-shirt. Cotton is preferred. Please, no silk, satin or nylon materials for sleeping as these may cause static which can interfere with test results. If you need to stay for additional testing the next day, please bring something you can wear in our public lounge. We do not permit sleeping in the nude.
May I bring my own pillow?
Yes, there are two pillows on each bed but you are welcome to bring anything that will make your stay more comfortable.
How can I sleep when I'm hooked up to devices?
The devices attached to you allow you to toss and turn freely during the night. After a short time, you may not even be aware they are attached. Most people sleep quite comfortably.
What if I can't sleep? Can I take something?
We prefer not to facilitate sleep with medication. Your physician may prescribe a sleep aid to help you sleep; if so you need to bring it with you as we are unable to dispense medication.
Are there foods/drinks I should avoid the day of my study?
Do not have any caffeine or alcoholic beverages after 3:00 PM the day of your study.
What happens if I'm scheduled for more testing the next day?
If you need to stay for daytime naps, after you awaken you are welcome to a complimentary continental breakfast. You will take a series of 5 naps spaced at 2 hour intervals, ending in the late afternoon. We also provide lunch. You are not allowed to have any caffeine during your daytime study.